Reconstruction of the "Kraków Swoszowice" railway station with the construction of a Park & Ride Parking Lot
The project involved the construction of a new transportation hub integrating rail and public transport. This is another element of the cohesive transport system of the Kraków Metropolitan Area – the Rapid Urban Railway (Szybka Kolej Aglomeracyjna).
In the immediate vicinity of the stop, between the railway line and the highway, a Park & Ride parking lot was constructed, along with an access road to Kąpielowa Street, a bus turnaround loop, parking spaces for minibuses, taxis, and Kiss+Ride facilities.
The investor for the project was the Municipality of Kraków, represented by PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A.
The project was carried out under the Design and Build system in collaboration with a consortium of companies: INTOP Tarnobrzeg Sp. z o.o. and Przedsiębiorstwo Budownictwa Inżynieryjnego Energopol Sp. z o.o. from Kraków.

Detailed design
The project was developed in two implementation stages:
– Stage I, involving the construction of the “Kraków Swoszowice” passenger stop along with the access road and accompanying infrastructure,
-Stage II, involving the construction of the “Park & Ride” parking lot, complete with equipment and accompanying infrastructure.
Assessment of compliance with TSI requirements
The project was subject to an assessment of compliance with the Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSI) of the “Infrastructure” subsystem of the railway system within the European Union (TSI INF) and the Technical Specifications for Interoperability concerning accessibility of the Union’s railway system for persons with disabilities and persons with reduced mobility (TSI PRM).
Approval of solutions with the municipal heritage conservator
The project incorporated solutions that correspond to the historic character of the Kraków Swoszowice station.
Author's supervision
The construction works were carried out in coordination with the reconstruction of the Kraków Swoszowice station and the works on railway line No. 94 on the Kraków Płaszów – Skawina – Oświęcim section.
Key project challenges:
- Integrating all modes of transport, including rail, municipal bus, and individual transport.
- Adapting the technical infrastructure of Kraków Swoszowice station to meet current standards and regulations.
- Eliminating barriers for people with limited mobility, as well as for blind and visually impaired individuals.
- Enhancing operational safety.
- Increasing the comfort and safety of passengers.
- Maintaining the station's existing functions while enabling an increased transportation offering.
- Reducing ongoing infrastructure maintenance costs by implementing highly reliable and durable components.
Rozwiązanie Krok po kroku
Analiza wstępna i studium wykonalności
Szczegółowa ocena infrastruktury energetycznej i obszarów modernizacji.
Projekt koncepcyjny
Przygotowanie rozwiązań technologicznych oraz plan optymalizacji zużycia energii.
Pozyskiwanie pozwoleń i formalności
Przygotowanie dokumentacji technicznej oraz uzyskanie niezbędnych pozwoleń.
Realizacja i nadzór nad budową
Wdrożenie modernizacji etapowo, minimalizując przestoje produkcyjne zakładu.
Testy i uruchomienie
Przeprowadzenie testów systemów i pełne wdrożenie nowych technologii.
Szkolenie personelu
Przeszkolenie pracowników z obsługi systemów zarządzania energią.