Modernization of railway stops under the Kolej+ Program
The work related to the preparation of design documentation was carried out as part of the “Government program for the construction or modernization of railway stops for 2021-2025.”
The investor for the project was PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A.

Expansion of platforms at Ropczyce station
The goal of the investment was to extend platforms No. 1 and 2 to a target length of 400 meters each, based on the prepared design documentation.
The project also included adapting the railway infrastructure to meet the needs of persons with disabilities and those with reduced mobility.
Construction of an underpass at Żurawica station
The goal of the investment, based on the prepared design documentation, was to adapt the railway infrastructure to the needs of passengers, particularly those with disabilities and reduced mobility, as well as to enhance the safety of people and railway operations.
Construction of the Mielec Południowy and Chorzelów Południowy passenger stops
The projects included the construction of railway stops along with accompanying infrastructure. The goal of the investment was to enhance the safety of people and railway operations by adapting the railway infrastructure to the actual needs of passenger transport and local requirements. The task also involved adjusting the railway infrastructure to meet the needs of persons with disabilities and those with reduced mobility.
Key project challenges:
- Adapting railway infrastructure to the actual needs of passenger transport and local requirements.
- Adjusting railway infrastructure to accommodate passengers, particularly those with disabilities and reduced mobility.
- Enhancing the safety of people and railway operations.
- Increasing the level of operational safety.
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