We had the pleasure of participating in the “WaterFolder Day 2024” conference dedicated to the water cycle in nature. On the first day of the event, various interesting topics were discussed, including the drainage of the CPK railway line. We addressed the issue of efficient project management in stormwater management, analyzed the selection of drainage systems, and covered many other fascinating subjects. The organized workshops allowed us to broaden our horizons and gain new project experience.

The second day of the conference focused on showcasing the application of rain gardens in Gdańsk. Employees of Gdańskie Wody introduced us to the methods of managing stormwater from paved areas, such as parking lots and roads, including areas under heritage protection.

Various plant species and carefully profiled retention basins were utilized.

The organized discussion panels provided an excellent opportunity to exchange experiences and insights among designers from different parts of Poland. They also allowed us to stay up-to-date with new trends and technologies.

We are grateful for the opportunity to participate in WaterFolder Day 2024 and eagerly look forward to future editions! 😊

Water Folder Day
Water Folder Day