Construction of the Babice bypass

The subject of the study was the Site Development Plan, forming part of the Construction Design for the investment project titled: Construction of the Babice bypass on a new alignment along Provincial Road No. 780 from km 1+176 section ref. 180 (work km 0+000) to km 0+790 section ref. 160 (work km 4+744.91), including the expansion of Provincial Road No. 780.


This includes sections: from km 1+095 section ref. 180 to km 0+108 section ref. 190 (Oświęcimska Street), and from km 0+730 to km 0+860 section ref. 160 (Krakowska Street),

as well as the construction and reconstruction of necessary technical infrastructure in the towns of Wygiełzów and Babice.



The General Contractor for the works was SKANSKA S.A.

Budowa linii kolejowej na odc. Katowice
Budowa linii kolejowej na odc. Katowice
Scope of the Project:

The construction of the Babice bypass, the construction of roundabout intersections, the construction of four-way partially channelized standard intersections, the expansion of the existing provincial road No. 780 (sections of Oświęcimska Street and Krakowska Street), the expansion of the existing district road No. 1020K (a section of Piastowska Street), and the construction of additional roadways with a technical class D standard.

The project also encompassed the construction of a bicycle path section, sidewalks, a pedestrian-bicycle path, driveways, as well as bridge structures, including a bridge over the Płazanka stream and another over the Zmornica stream.

Basic Technical Parameters of the Designed Bypass: